
Happy & Healthy Monday- Mommy Meal Plan



Happy Monday Mommas!

I have been a busy momma this past week, my mom came to stay with us and we did a lot of shopping and running around. So blame my mom for the lack of posts! (Sorry Mom!)

While she was here, I had a little relapse in working out and eating healthy. I pretty much binged and ate like a cow and I didn’t do my daily exercise mostly because I thought I’d look like a mutated mule trying to do Zumba and yoga poses.



Sadly now my mommy has gone home, so it’s back to eating healthy, counting calories, and mutated mule workouts!

I made an easy meal plan that doesn’t require much cooking or effort. I’m hoping I can inspire you all to follow my meal plan or make a similar one for yourself. 😉

Breakfast: Coffee.. obviously!

Oatmeal, regular or with added fruits and/or sprinkled with cinnamon.

Snack: Fruit Smoothie.

Click for a smoothie recipe!
Click for a smoothie recipe!


Lunch: Tuna sandwich or salad.

Snack: Wheat thins.

Dinner: Whatever I have planned for the week but a small portion, and with a salad.

Snack: Fiber protein bar. (After dinner my cravings for something sweet always kick in. So I bought protein bars that have a little chocolate to curb my cravings.)


So you see, it’s a pretty simple and easy plan. Of course you can add different things based on your likes and what you have in the pantry.

I will be adding a Happy & Healthy post every Monday, so look forward for more to come soon!!


My kale shake brings all the boys to the yard..

And they’re like it’s better than yours,

damn right it’s better than yours.

I could teach you,

but I’d have to charge.

Kale isn’t the best tasting thing in the world, but it’s suppose to be one of the healthiest things for you.

I drink kale shakes on a daily basis, so I thought I’d share my favorite recipe!


What you need:

  • 1 handful of Kale
  • 2/3 cup Orange juice
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup berries (frozen mixed)
  • 1 Kiwi


In a blender, puree Kale and Orange juice. Add all other ingredients, blend until smooth. (About 2 minutes)

Calories 200

Total fat 0.5g

Protein 12g

Vitamin A 540%

Vitamin C 200%

Calcium 35%

Iron 40%

Of course you can add other things like yogurt, spinach, carrots, mango, and other juices. Hope you enjoy!


When life gives you lemons, put ’em on your face!



I friggin love lemons! I’d seriously eat them all day if they weren’t so bad for your teeth.

But you can use them for so much more than just eating! Add some sliced lemon or lemon juice in your water, it helps with metabolism.

Also a great use for cleaning!

Believe it or not you can even spray some lemon juice in your hair. Before I had my hair professionally colored, my roots were the only thing showing and it was DI-STUST-ING. I hated it! It was a brown, and not even a pretty brown. A dull, ugly brown.

So I read online somewhere to put lemon juice in a spray bottle (I added a little water so it wasn’t so harsh) and pretty much just spray it in your hair. It doesn’t turn your hair completely blonde by any means, but it does enhance your natural highlights and makes your hair so shiny! I used this method everyday and it made my hair at least decently presentable.

I wasn’t kidding when I said ‘Put em on your face’. Lemon is a natural toner and it gets rid of the redness. It’s not for everyone though. I wouldn’t recommend this is you have sensitive skin!  I have sensitive skin and all it did was irritate my face. It was scary looking.

You can also gauge them in someone’s eyes if you wish for them to scream like bloody hell…AW I’m just kiddin’!


By the way, the entire time I was trying to write this, my 10 month old kept crying and crying..

No I don’t ignore my children, but do you see what happens when mom’s try to do ANYTHING??!! And now of course that I’m done she passed out on her own..

Hashtag Mommy probs.




Calorie Counter


I downloaded the My Fitness Pal android app a few weeks ago. You type in your current weight and your weight goal and it gives you a number of daily calorie intake. You can record everything you eat and exercises through out the day. This is a great app and what’s best is it’s FREE!

I tried yoga for the first time yesterday, and man is it hard!! Even doing a couple beginner poses, you need to have a lot of arm and leg strength. If you’re like me and the only time you have to workout is when your kids take a nap, then it can be hard to get in even 10 minutes of exercise. Because I don’t know about you, but I’d rather relax and enjoy the peace and quiet when my kids are napping! I tried it while my kids were awake (BIG MISTAKE!) They kept pressing keys on the computer, pausing the video, and lastly dropping the computer on the floor!

But I have found there’s a couple little things you can slip in through out the day. For instance, when your cooking lunch or dinner… Why not do a couple of lunges or squats while you’re waiting for something to boil or bake? Maybe even a yoga pose or two, if you have enough room in your kitchen. Another thing I do a couple times a week is play catch or soccer with my 2 year old. Can u believe playing soccer even casually for 20-30 minutes you burn 195 calories?! I love doing this because not only am I burning calories but I’m playing and spending quality time with my daughter.

Hopefully these little tips can help you out as well!